When Aamir Khan, producer Vidhu Vinod Chopra, and director Rajkumar
Hirani, sat down and watched the first half of the first cut of 3
Idiots together, they knew they were watching something that had the
potential to go "big time". A boisterous drama about three friends
dealing with the pressures of engineering school, and one friend
teaching them how to dream, was a story they knew would stick. They
guessed multiplexes in cities would overflow. They figured they had a
fair chance at beating Ghajini, an Aamir Khan starrer and the biggest
grossing Hindi film of all time.
But something bothered them. In smaller towns, regional cinema was
still king and Hindi cinema just a joker. In Gujarat, a star like
Vikram Thakur at his peak, could bring in close to Rs 7 crore. A top
grossing Hindi film on the other hand could hope to rake in just Rs 3
"We felt we aren't connecting enough with our audience… There's a
business capacity of seven, but we are only doing three. So there's a
lot of business we aren't reaching out to," says Khan as he talks to
us from his Pali Hill apartment in Bandra, a Mumbai suburb. He's
wincing from a leg injury sustained earlier during the day, but is
intent we hear what he's saying.
"Do they want to be entertained? Yes. Do they like watching films?
Yes. But are they watching our films? No. They're watching regional
films." It could only mean two things, he reasoned. One, Hindi films
aren't marketed well. And two, film makers from Mumbai don't
understand small town India. Khan was determined to figure out both
answers. But how?
The ball begins to roll
A Breather For Gold
Thought Leader Interview: Philip Kotler
Sports Facility: Golfworx
When a team of 25 marketing people met in August 2009, led by Prabhat
Choudhary of Spice PR, who helped market four of the top five all time
hits of Hindi cinema, the team didn't know what the central idea to
market 3 Idiots could possibly be. Khan's brief though was clear.
Whatever they did, they had to get to the man in Bhopal, and the man
in Varanasi.
For a while, Khan had been toying with a rather vague idea. The movie
starts with Aamir Khan, who essays the role of the central
protagonist, having disappeared into oblivion. The rest of the flick
is about his friends looking for clues to find him. How, Khan
wondered, would people react if he disappeared in real life? Would
people wonder where he was? Would the media write speculative stories
on Khan's whereabouts? But more importantly, how could the whole thing
be orchestrated?
Through all of August last year, they debated on the plan. They tied
up with online gaming firm Zapak. And that was where they found the
answer: A-R-G, or Alternate Reality Gaming. Participants in these
games interact directly with characters in the game, work with other
participants to solve challenges, analyse the story and stay connected
on email, telephones, and the internet. The main narrative for this
form of gaming is usually based in the real world.
By September, ARG took over 60 percent of 3 Idiots' marketing efforts.
A Facebook profile "Amir the Pucca Idiot" was created, a page that
would be controlled and updated entirely by Khan. It became a talking
point because it was the first time an Indian celebrity had done this.
People wondered whether it really was Aamir Khan's page. His status
updates appeared in the papers. "Aamir the Pucca Idiot" would be an
instrumental part of Khan's disappearance to remote B towns, too.
By October, the 3 Idiots team had to activate the game. Before that,
teams needed to be dispatched to do a recce of all the places Khan
would visit during his disappearing act. They would be dispatched to
small towns in Gujarat, Punjab, Bengal, and Madhya Pradesh, among
others. It would be expensive and logistics would be a nightmare.
"We'd only marketed to 6-8 metros," Chaudhary told Khan. "But there
are 80 towns with at least one multiplex we had never even marketed
Of doodles and bum chairs
By October, two months before the release of 3 Idiots, no one knew
much about the movie. There were no hoardings. No signs at theaters.
And to build the suspense, multiplexes were sent bum chairs (like the
ones the 3 Idiots sit on in the film); stickers that read "You are the
4th idiot". No one knew what it all meant.
But on October 30, the 3 Idiots team made their first break of
communication. They launched the film's trailer to a gathering of
trade people, multiplexes, and media. Ghajini was in the media for a
year and a half before it released. 3 Idiots would only be in the
media for two months.
In December, Khan was also busy designing T-shirts. "I said I can't
design, I'm not a designer, but I can give you my doodles," says Khan.
Pantaloon created a T-shirt line with the doodles, and 3 Idiots
Converse sneakers.
Featuring Khan's doodles instead of just replica merchandise worked.
Pantaloon sold more than 1000 pieces per day in its opening week, and
then sold out of the merchandise twice. The doodle T-shirt was also
created as a gift friends could send to one another on "Aamir the
Pucca Idiot" Facebook page, whose profile now had almost 2 lakh fans.
BusinessofCinema (BoC), who did the digital marketing, launched the
Pantaloon gifts on Facebook, plus ticketing applications, and 3 Idiots
videos and songs. Most of all, BoC readied themselves for the launch
of the ARG game. And then, on December 12, Aamir Khan disappeared.
Director Hirani and Producer Chopra claimed not to know where he was.
All that was left behind was a video on the film's website,
idiotsacademy.com. "I shot a video, and I said, 'If you want to be a
part of this of game, well... For two weeks, I will be traveling
around the country. I will appear seven places, will give you seven
clues to find me. For the first clue you need to get it from Sachin
Tendulkar.' And then I kiss my wife goodbye and walk out the door,"
says Khan.
I am not here
Khan first reappeared in Varanasi, disguised as an old man. "I
couldn't tell anyone who I was," he says. The 3I team shot footage of
what he was doing, but no TV stations could find him. Choudhary
worried, "How will media take it? Will they think it's a gimmick to
ignore?" And at every stage, someone on the team said this would not
It didn't help that a lot of the 3I recce team's planning didn't work
out. Choudhary broke his collarbone in a rickshaw accident. Instead of
spending the night at Varanasi station as planned, Khan decided to
find his mother's home in Varanasi.
"I really went to Varanasi to make friends over there. It had to be a
genuine process. I didn't know who I would meet or how they would
react to me. It was happening organically," explains Khan. He talks
for more than an hour about Varanasi, recounting the story of a
rickshaw driver he calls "damn funny", and the four men who help him
find his mother's house.
After Khan left Varanasi, he let it be known he was there. 20,000
people trampled the tea shop where Khan had just been. The local media
went crazy. "They found the story fascinating because they saw how
unplanned the whole thing was. The English media picked it up only
four times in those two weeks, but Hindi news channels and local print
and TV media went ballistic. I was on the front page. They would
report every new clue we announced, and interview the people I had
met," says Khan.
Khan not only evaded the media, but also goaded them. "I had been
given the names of 15 editors in each city. So when I left their city,
I wrote each of them handwritten letters on my letterhead that said 'I
was passing through your city and felt like having sweets. So I bought
some mithai and got you some as well. Love, Aamir'. It was a like a
tease," Khan says and smiles.
Khan gave only four interviews to TV stations during the entire tour,
all to regional TV stations. Regional stars were selected to interview
Khan. On Mahua TV in UP, for example, Bhojpuri star Ravi Kishnan
interviewed Khan. "Other than those four, I thought TV stations
shouldn't get me. All they get is what I shoot and send to them. I
don't have a deal with them, so I don't know if they will bite. But I
had not been available, so I knew they were thirsty for me," says
The strategy was deployed for the print media as well. He stayed clear
of mainstream English dailies and spoke very selectively to regional
newspapers. For the first time in recent history, B towns were
clamouring for an upcoming Hindi film.
Final notes
When they started, the ARG game was just a small part of Khan's
disappearance. It was more like a contact program, "something like
what Obama would have undertaken," explains Choudhary. But soon, many
fans found out about idiotsacademy.com. They learned to play the ARG
(a first ever for a Hindi film), competing against one another to find
out where Khan was. Fans played other games on the website, too,
racking up around 4.5 million plays, says Rohit Sharma of Zapak, which
designed the game.
And not once during Khan's journey was 3 Idiots mentioned. When he
went to a girls' school in Palanpur, Gujarat, to highlight the
importance of the girl child's education, Khan asked the girls to
shout their message to TV cameras. "The girls didn't say '3 Idiots
releases on December 25!" Khan laughs. Instead, they said girls need
as much a chance to go to school as boys do. "Now people will either
connect to that or say the guy is bullshitting. I think we made a
strong emotional connect."While Khan was in the middle of this
journey, and excitement was at a peak, "Aamir Khan the Pucca Idiot"
decided to hold a Facebook live chat with fans. Khan would be on
video, and fans could type in from Twitter, Facebook, and Youstream.
The BoC guys expected Khan's live chat to happen from Mumbai. At the
last minute, they were told to take their hi-tech equipment to Delhi
and then set it up in a small village outside.
On December 19th, without a single hitch in streaming, more than 1
lakh users chatted with Khan from Pakistan, Bangladesh, the US, and
cities and many B towns in India. It was the first time an Indian
celebrity had done something like this. Over 300,000 status updates
were shared that day, according to Facebook's international
communications team. On Twitter, #AamirKhanLive was the sixth most
buzzed keyword in the world.
Six days after the chat, 3 Idiots was finally released.
How much could all of this have worked? The biggest opening any film
had ever had was Ghajini, with a first day collection across India of
9 crore. 3 Idiots' collected Rs. 13 crore on the first day. Over that
weekend, the collections added up to Rs. 100 crore. The film was
watched in 40 countries. Nineteen days after release, the film set a
box office record for the industry, grossing Rs. 315 crore worldwide.
It is the highest grossing Bollywood film of all time, not adjusted
for inflation. As we go to print, 3 Idiots had grossed Rs. 365 crore.
Khan didn't forget Vikram Thakur and his magic number: Rs. 7 crore. 3
Idiots beat it by a mile at Rs. 9 crore. Choudhary says from Ghajini
to 3 Idiots there's been a 30 percent jump in collections in B towns
like Benares, Bhopal, and in Faridkot.
Last weekend, Chance pe Dance was released. Its net collections on the
first day release were 2.15 crore for all India. 3 Idiots got 2.75
crore that day, meaning it's still number one three weeks after