Revolution 2020
Revolution 2020 is the latest offering from the man who has made a fortune selling Rs 95 books, Mr. Chetan Bhagat. To begin with the book, I would say that the first few pages of the book were quite impressive and very familiar CB-type but when the story ended I felt that the book was quite unlike other CB-novels. I would sum up the whole story as STRANGE.
Let me talk about what was strange about the book. The end of the book seemed to be quite abrupt and hurried-onto. I would not say that the story did not have an ending but CB has offered nothing fancy to the reader to prevent him or her not to say so.
Let me talk about the characters in the book so that I can validate my points with some concrete and substantial evidence. Early on while reading the book I kept on thinking why has CB written the story from Gopal's point of view when he could have written it from Raghav's point of view. In the end I felt he did the right thing. But how can Gopal let go of Aarti so easily in the end ? Why din’t his optimistic and pessimistic self fight with each other like it had been doing for the last 24 years ?
Aarti, the girl, was someone who was hated my me and prolly would be by most of CB fans simply because she was quite unclear about whom she ‘really’ loved more. It was also unclear what her real intentions were. Also if Gopal can spy on Aarti and Raghav then I believe Raghav could also have done the same. Moreover he could have used Aarti to spy on Gopal or do a sting operation on him.
Also I felt the climax act of self-penance by Gopal was something that Jesus Christ might have done or approved of and not something that Lord Krishna might have done.
Moreover how can CB go to inaugurate MBA education in such a corrupt college like GangaTech ?
Also how can Raghav steal Aarti from Gopal ? It is one of the top-ten morally wrong things that one can do to a best-friend. It was an act of a child and not a decent man and certainly not that of a friend.
I think if Raghav really wanted any revolution, he should have returned Aarti back to Gopal and asked for forgiveness from him since Revolution begins at home.
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